Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2020: The Classiest Cannabis Accessories by Janelle Lasalle
One of the best things about modern day cannabis culture is getting to see all of the different ways people express their love for the plant. That means getting to admire cannabis themed art, jewelry, fashion along with hand-made, glass blown pieces like bongs and pipes. You might see these items crop up in dispensaries, in online stores or might even find them hiding in plain sight at other retailers.
With so many kinds of cannabis accessories out there, it’d only be natural for you to have a cannabis wish list. And if you happen to be a mom who enjoys cannabis...that probably makes Mother’s Day the perfect occasion to indulge in a wish list item or two.
Check out the best cannabis accessories for this Mother’s Day below. To be as inclusive as possible, I’ve defined accessories here in the broadest sense as any item that can pair well with cannabis.
Ready, set, shop!
Accessories from Blunted Objects
Blunted Objects is a paradise for modern day cannabis lovers. They sell just about every kind of cannabis merch you can imagine from jewelry to clothes, but today we’re here to discuss their accessories. Did you know chains for glasses was a thing? You do now—and even better, they’re cannabis themed. You can also opt to upgrade the inside of your purse with a few glamorous items like this gold leaf lighter case.